Vendor Selection Support

Product Evaluation

We uniquely positioned to provide a neutral perspective on the true capabilities of vendor solutions and how well they compare with competitive choices vis-à-vis your specific requirements.

RFP/RFI Development and Conduction

We have participated in many RFP/RFI processes; both from a client and from a vendors perspective. As a client elaborating an RFP/RFI to obtain a service or product, we are uniquely qualified to support the creation of an RFP/RFI that actually conveys the key functionality and support requirements needed without padding the RFP/RFI with unnecessary elements.

In our experience, while an RFI can be somewhat general, an RFP should not be so general that the vendor can respond without actually committing to anything; nor so detailed that few vendors will actually have the ability or time to properly respond. We will help you determine the appropriate suite of prospective vendors to respond to your request, and will help you work with the vendors during the necessary due diligence process, as well as to analyze, evaluate, and score the vendor responses.

Likewise, if you are a vendor, responding a critical RFP/RFI we can assist you by ensuring your response hits the right points of the requirements and that your value add proposition is properly framed.

Contract Negotiation Support

While we do not provide legal counsel, we can provide an expert's technology perspective in the validation of contracts with prospective customers and partners, particularly in regard to IT Intellectual property areas, acceptance criteria, and SLA definition. We can provide insights and suggestions on ways to incorporate technology elements to contract terms and conditions to make them as beneficial to our client’s as possible